Is Our Chatter Godly?
Avoid godless chatter, because those who indulge in it will become more and more ungodly.
Their teaching will spread like gangrene. 2 Timothy 2:16-17
At different times in my life, I am struck with conviction over a behavior and lately, I have become very uncomfortable with conversations about other people. Sounds strange when I say it that way, but I am talking about gossip. Gossip is such a common part of our society, so much so, that whole television shows are designed around gossiping women. So, a lot of times, I think we do not even realize how much we gossip. (Yes, I know we women struggle with this a little more than you gentlemen!) As I have gotten older and matured a little more in my Christian faith, I get a little excited about these convictions. I do not mean that I am not ashamed of myself when I realize a new sin, but I get excited because when the conviction comes, I know God is working on me and bringing me closer to the woman he wants me to be.
About a year ago, I read an article that made me really sad. The article said, mental health professionals are seeing a rise in what they are calling, "Facebook Depression" in women. As much as I wanted to be confused by this, I instantly understood. Women are getting depressed when they see good things happening in other people's statuses, or when they find out that friends have been together without them, when everyone has a someone and a variety of other things. This is where my conviction began, I questioned whether I had been using Facebook in a way that would make other women feel unhappy.
God was just getting started with me. Over the next few weeks, I found myself in conversations centering around a single person...even though that person was NOT in the room. Each time I had one of these conversations, I went home feeling guilty and uncomfortable with my behavior. I finally decided it was time to change my behavior. I thought of a few things I could do right away. First, I would work hard to keep my words positive. Second, I would not post anything on Facebook unless it was positive or pointed to God.
We are so consumed with how others view us, we often times hurt each other to make ourselves feel good. Instead of celebrating with each other, helping and encouraging each other, we work hard to make sure that everyone thinks we have it all together. I see and hear women treat each other with such judgement and I think of God's words in Hebrews 3:13, "But encourage one another day after day, as long as it is still called "Today," lest any one of you be hardened by the deceitfulness of sin." What if we did not use a Facebook status as ammunition, what if we did not text about each other while we are in the same room, what if we did not sit at lunch and tear others down, what if we prayed for each other and what if we really encouraged one another day after day?
I am not perfect in any way and after my decisions to be "nice", I posted an unkind status about a woman on television. Tonight I was made aware of some women, who do not see me very often, using things I post on Facebook and creating non-flattering ideas about who I am and how I behave. The problem is, a Facebook status is not really my whole life and does not represent every interaction I have with people. Just like, what I see on television is not really a whole picture of a person. I cannot wait until this area of sin in my life is settled. I know I will have moments, but I hope to be a woman of encouragement and service to those around me and I hope that the actions others see, are not just an act to make me look good but a true reflection of what God is doing in my heart.
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