Anything But The Wind...

So Peter got out of the boat, started walking on the water, and came towards Jesus. But when he noticed the strong wind, he became frightened, and beginning to sink, he cried out, 'Lord, save me!' Jesus immediately reached out his hand and caught him, saying to him, 'You of little faith, why did you doubt?'  Matthew 12:29-31

     The story of Peter getting out of the boat and walking on water has always excited me.  Every single time I read it, God gives me a new perspective on a situation at hand or a new challenge to overcome in my life.  
     Recently, I was sitting with a group of women and I noticed in the group, which one was the "mean girl".  My sister, J, calls her the "pretty pony" because "there can only be one pretty pony".  Ladies, we all know this woman, we met her in grade school, we met her in jr. high, we met her in high school, we met her at our first job, in college...maybe even in our own house. Unfortunately, adulthood does not usually stop the mean girl.  
     This phenomenon crosses every culture, socio-economic status, religion and city.  In every group of women the mean girl emerges, sometimes subtly and sometimes not so subtly.  She is the one that pulls the strings, calls the shots and likes all the attention.  She gets along fine with everyone as long as she does not feel like another woman is trying to...get the attention, call the shots or pull the strings.  
     Mean girls do not bother me personally.  I tend to spot them quickly and stay away.  I guard my heart pretty well where they are concerned.  If I am fooled and caught off guard, I tend to head a different direction.  I am sad to say though, I have watched many "nice girls" become victims.  It usually comes in the form of being ignored or being excluded by the mean girl and those who choose to follow her.  The nice girl hangs her head and wonders what is wrong with her.  
     I wish I could say we are immune to this as Christ followers...but that is not the case.  I recently heard about a woman excluded repeatedly by the women in her small group.  She did not even know for quite a few months.  I also know of a young woman ostracized by the girls in her youth group, because she is a bit too likeable.
     Ladies, it is time to step up and be the women Christ called us to be.  The women we said we wanted to be when we accepted the gift of Christ's redeeming blood.  We need to be women who rise above, who love and care, who take our eyes off the mirror and put them on Christ.  We need to pray that as other women get out of the boat to walk with Christ, we do not become the strong wind causing them to sink.  
     About 10 years ago, I read the story of Peter above and realized I had been that strong wind for a young woman and Jesus broke my heart over it.  I began to pray for my own heart and that of the young woman and about four years later, God gave me a chance to apologize and He was able to restore our relationship.  I ask again today, God, please let me be a help and an encouragement to those around me.  Stop me if I become the wind.  Amen.


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