Only 300 Men???
This past year, I have been going through a Bible study on Gideon. Well, if I am honest, it is a six week study that I have managed to take six months and not yet complete it...remember that "doing it all" nonsense??
However, even if it is taking me way too long to work through this study, WOW, God is blowing my mind! The study is "Gideon" by Priscilla Shirer, and on the cover, the tagline is "Your weakness. God's strength."
Well that sure appealed to me...I have plenty of weaknesses.
Well that sure appealed to me...I have plenty of weaknesses.
I have heard the story of Gideon many times, but isn't it so exciting, when we really dive in to God's Word, He uses it to speak right to what we need most. If you do not know it, the story of Gideon is found in the book of Judges. Today, we are going to focus on just a few verses, Judges 7:1-8. Gideon was just an average man. But God decided to use Gideon to save the people of Israel from an enemy. If you start the story in Judges chapter six, you will see the somewhat humorous and amazing story of God calling Gideon. (I love that Gideon says, "Pardon me?"...more than onece)
In chapter seven, Gideon has accepted the call of God and is ready to walk with God through this battle. However, as they begin taking the steps, God systematically takes Gideon's army from 32,000 men to a mere 300 men.
Mind you, in verse 12 we are told that the enemy was, " thick as locusts. Their camels could no more be counted than the sand on the seashore."
Mind you, in verse 12 we are told that the enemy was, " thick as locusts. Their camels could no more be counted than the sand on the seashore."
Can you imagine being Gideon?? Standing on a hill, with your 300 men, looking down in this valley full to the brim with enemy soldiers?? Aaaahhh!! Wow!
But really, we do know that feeling don't we? How many times has God asked you care for your family and the resources seem to small? How many times has God asked you to step out in a effort for Him and you just cannot see that what you have is enough? How many times has God asked you to walk through a difficult situation and you just do not think you have the energy or emotional fortitude to make it to the other side?
Aaaahhh!! Me too!!
I am not going to tell you how this moment with Gideon ends, because it is crazy and exciting, and there is no way God's glory and power could be denied, and you need to read it! Judges 6 & 7! (Well, after you finish here.)
In Shirer's Bible study, she applies this lesson to the disciples and says, "Maybe if the disciples had recalled the gifts they'd been given, they would have felt confident before the hungry crowd. Instead of trying to send the people away or attempting to get away themselves, they would have stood their ground-fish and loaves in hand, power and authority in their hearts, smirk of confidence on their faces-as they anticipated what God would accomplish on their behalf."
Wow! Yes!! That is who I want to be. That is who I am determined to be!
Friends, let us determine to remember that we have full access to the same resources Gideon did, and the same resources the disciples did, through our relationship with Jesus.
We just have to dive into that relationship. " God
can do anything, you know—far more than you could ever imagine or guess
or request in your wildest dreams! He does it not by pushing us around
but by working within us, his Spirit deeply and gently within us." Epesians 3:20-21 (MSG).
Now go read that story! It's a good one!
If you are unsure of your relationship with Jesus, or do not know how to start one, I would love to pray for you! Leave a comment (I have to approve them before they post) and I will contact you!
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