It's All About the Team

    Yesterday, I talked about reaching outside our churches to do the ministry God has called us to do.  I find myself constantly challenged by this part of ministry.  Not because I do not understand it or do not believe it, but because every, single week, I am responsible for an aspect of what happens INSIDE our church.  I have to make sure we are representing Christ in the best possible way, offering families a chance to encounter Him, worship Him and learn how to be more like Him.  Well, that takes a great deal of time.
     In the last five years (I know I am saying that a lot...God has been working on me), I have come to realize how important it is for a ministry leader or director to take a step back from the day to day or week to week responsibilities of their ministry and put a great deal prayer and effort into recruiting, training and leading a volunteer/leadership team. 
     So, how do we make sure we are reaching out as well as creating great space inside?  Build teams!!  Teams to work on the weekend services, teams take on big projects, teams to reach out!  Tomorrow, we will dive into some strategies for building strong, Godly teams!


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